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I grew up in small town Nebraska coloring on my craft table, cross-stitching, folding paper into origami, photographing our family vacations, and eventually begging my mom for the Adobe Suite on our home desktop. When asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I always answered Artist, Photographer, or Graphic Designer. There was no doubt in my mind that my future would always be in the creative industry.


Fast forward a bit; I attended college at Black Hills State University in South Dakota, started exploring the outdoors, became president of the graphic design club, and received two degrees - one in graphic design and one in multimedia, with a certification in photography.


This leads me to where I am today.

Today, I am a graphic designer.

Today, I am a photographer.

Today, I am an explorer.

I love what I do, and I live what I do. Although I hold a graphic design position, my entire life is an attempt to capture the beauty and wonder around me. Given the opportunity, my husband and I will head out on an outdoor adventure, my camera packed and ready for shooting. I am always a bit too eager to help friends and family pick out unique decor or home furnishings. I enjoy tackling new and challenging projects to expand my knowledge about the latest design techniques and trends.
And, I love having the opportunity to photograph those looking to remember a special moments forever.

Allison Dike

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